The Clan Macpherson

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Clan Macpherson Museum Trust
Trustees and Museum Advisory Committee (MAC)

Registered Scottish Charity Number SC020005

Museum (registered) Address

Clan Macpherson Museum

Main Street
PH20 1DE.
Tel: 01540 673332

Page Updated: 18 February 2025

Trustees (Trustees are
also MAC Members):

Alexander Macpherson, Yr of Pitmain (Convenor)
Adam de Totth (Secretary)
Angus C S Macpherson of Biallid
Annie Le Roy-Lewis
Bonnie A McPherson
Bruce J S Macpherson
Donna McPherson Rucks
Ewen S L Macpherson
Ian Macpherson
Ex-Officio Clan Macpherson Association Vice Chairman

Museum Advisory Committee (MAC):

Allan Macpherson Fletcher (Chairman)
Valerie Macpherson (Treasurer)
Joyce Cattanach (Secretary)
Bo Gillies
Chris Gillies
George McPherson
Günter Mascheck
Helen Barton
Jim MacPherson
Mary Mackenzie
Morrigan Alcorn McIlwraith