The Clan Macpherson

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Australian Branch
of the Clan Macpherson Association

The Clan Macpherson Association in Australia - A Brief History

Welcome to Clan Macpherson Australia! Ceud mile failte! Whether you're curious about your family history or searching for Clan History events we trust you'll find the answers here.

The Australian branch of the Clan Macpherson Association was initially formed in 1974 and re-formed in 1998/1999. Today the Australian branch has many active members in several states and is represented at many Scottish events around the country.

Highlanders understood the importance of community, and in this modern age, the Clan Macpherson Association ensures that our community remains strong as it gives us our identity, links to our history, and a connection to our ancestral homeland. Our members are active custodians of our Clan history and culture and perhaps you too, are searching among the branches for what only appears in the roots! The Clan Macpherson Association is fortunate to have a very significant point of reference, The Clan Macpherson Museum in our home country in the Scottish Highlands which distingishes us from many other clan associations.

Your Australian Contacts are:


Pam Rhemrev


John L Macpherson


David Gillies


Patrick MacPherson


Neil A McPherson

South Australia

Ken D McPherson

Victoria and Facebook

David J McPherson

Western Australia

Charles Macpherson