The Clan Macpherson

Home Museum

Data Protection

All officers of the Clan Macpherson Association take the protection of our members' personal data very seriously. We aim to protect all our members' details from unauthorised use whether the member is protected by law in their country of residence or not. We use the framework of the UK Data Protection Act 2018 as our guiding principal and encourage all Branches to follow its precepts. There follows a statement on how we use members' personal data. If anybody has any concerns about the way any data has been, or is likely to be, handled they should communicate at once with the Association Chairman whose contact details can be found on the 'Officers' page.

Personal Data Privacy Statement

Personal data provided by a member to the Clan Macpherson Association (CMA) will be used solely for the purpose of communicating with the member about information and events relevant to the membership and matters related to the organisation of the CMA. It will not be passed to any third party for any other purpose unless this is required by law. Any member may apply to the Registrar at any time to ascertain the accuracy and content of data held. Any information found to be incorrect will be corrected as quickly as possible.

We hold and process members' data based on our legitimate interest to serve the objectives as set out in our constitution where such interests are not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms, and we will protect the data we hold from unauthorised use by any third party. We also process information, where this is necessary, for compliance with our legal obligations.

You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office about anything relating to the processing of your personal information by the CMA. You can contact the ICO via its website at or at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.