The Clan Macpherson

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England & Wales Branch of the
Clan Macpherson Association

News & Events

Macpherson London Ball - 4th November 2022

The London Macpherson Ball was held this year on Friday, 4th November at the Caledonian Club in Belgravia. It was a glittering affair enjoyed by lots of Macphersons and friends. After a sparkling reception we were served a delicious meal which set us up for the reeling which followed. Dancing was to the excellent Frank Reid Band and the dance floor was full for every dance. A good time was had by all!

Ball Committee

E & W Branch AGM 2022

This year's E&W Branch AGM was the first to be held "in person" since 2019. We usually link our AGMs to a social event and this year we had a very interesting tour of the re-developed Battersea Power Station. Following the tour we enjoyed lunch at a local restaurant and conducted our AGM. Sadly, numbers were small for what was a very informative and enjoyable day. We do hope to see more of the England & Wales branch members for our AGM and outing next year, which may be held outside London to make it accessible to more members.

Previous years have included different but equally interesting events. In 2019 we met on Saturday, 12th October at Ognisko Restuarant in Kensington. This beautiful building was home to the Polish Government in exile during WW2. It was a very jolly occasion and before the meeting we enjoyed an excellent Polish lunch. We were delighted to welcome a Polish guest and family from Belgium, members of the European Branch. We finished our meal with Vodka shots to prepare us for the business to follow!