The Clan Macpherson

Home Museum

Clan Macpherson Association
Gathering and AGM

August 1st- 4th 2025

The Gathering this year will follow the traditional format. We shall be using the Duke of Gordon Hotel located in Kingussie for the Ball, the Supper, and the Ceilidh, which means there is a very firm limit on numbers attending these events. There will be additional events on the Friday and Monday, but the details have not yet been confirmed. Surprisingly the Gathering takes quite a bit of time and effort to organise, please be kind to us and book early.


The Programme is subject to change. The final Programme will be provided at registration.

Clan Macpherson Association 2025 Gathering Programme


Registration Duke of Gordon Hotel 08:00 - 15:00
Welcome Meeting for Newcomers - Duke of Gordon Hotel Ballroom, Kingussie 09:00 - 10:00
Council Meetings - Duke of Gordon Hotel Ball Room -- 10:00 - 11:30
Talk on Badenoch delivered by Jim and Marie Macpherson 13:30 - 14:45
The Historian, James Macpherson, compiler of the Osssian Tales. For more Information please visit Edinburgh Univeristy Press.
Dance Practice - Duke of Gordon Hotel Ball Room -- 15:00 - 18:00
Cluny's Reception, Dinner and Highland Ball Duke of Gordon Hotel -- 1900. Dinner will be served at 20:00, dancing until 1:00.
Group Photo - Front of the Duke of Gordon Hotel 19:30.


CMA AGM - Village Hall, Newtonmore 10:30
Newtonmore Highland Games - Held at the Eilan from 11:00. Children's races in the morning; Newtonmore Games
Clan March from Old Ralia to the Elian - Marchers to meet at Old Ralia at 13:45. Step off is 14:00. Games entry fee will be collected at Old Ralia prior to the March. The March will be followed by conviviality in the Clan Tent at the Highland Games.
Museum At Home - 14:30 - 15:30. Friends and Guardians are welcome.
Haggis/Stovies Supper - Duke of Gordon Hotel from 18.00. Vegetarian Haggis also available.
Ceilidh - Duke of Gordon. Kingussie -- 20:00 - 22:00


Church Service - Kingussie Parish Church. 10:30
Informal Picnic - Cairn Site from 13:00. Followed by a Walk up a track to a local viewpoint. If you do not have e car, please ask at The registration for a lift to be arranged.
Dinner by personal arrangement


Illustrated Talk - at Clan Macpherson Museum - 10:00 - Topic to be confirmed
Followed by a Walk/Hike starting from Clan Macpherson Musuem - 14:00


Council and branch meetings will take place online prior to the Gathering. Please check with your Committee Chairman for the scheduled date and time. There will be an informal in person meeting of the Council and the Museum Advisory Committee on Friday morning.


Most events at the Gathering do not have a dress code – just wear what you feel comfortable in for the occasion – the exceptions being the Dinner and Ball, and the Saturday March. The Dinner and Ball is Highland Dress/Black Tie, and the March on Saturday afternoon is Smart Day Wear (kilt with jacket and t ie for men; smart tartan knee-length, or slightly longer, skirt for woman) If headgear is worn, please ensure it is Highland. Remember that this is a formal march supporting our Chief, and attracts attention from local people and visitors, so please, neither mini nor full length skirts, no trainers/sneakers, sandals, baseball caps or other casual items, and no pets.


The Duke of Gordon Hotel, Kingussie, has kindly offered us a preferential rate of £75.00 pp bed & breakfast for the Gathering weekend for a limited number of rooms until the end of April.

For further information: Tel: +44 (0)1540 661302 or E-mail: Duke of Gordon Hotel. Booking via their website using the code “macp25” will give you the special Macpherson price. Please book your hotel room by the 1st of June, 2025. The room block we have at the Duke of Gordon will be released on the 1st of June, 2025, and the remaining rooms will be opened to the public for booking.


Numbers are limited for the paid events and tickets will be supplied on a first come, first served basis. If fully subscribed a waiting list will operate. Members may have up to two guests, and any guest over that number will be put on a waiting list and spaces allocated shortly before the event. If you should have a change of plans, please notify the Treasurer by email at: CMA Treasurer as soon as possible if booking tickets are not required, to allow for speedy reallocation.

Please, we ask that those living in the UK pay by cheque or bank transfer. If you live in the UK please complete the online booking form and select “pay by bank transfer”. You will receive an e-mail acknowledging your booking and giving the account details and a reference number to send to your bank. Payment will not be taken until you do that. If you like the convenience of online booking but do not want to use bank transfer, simply follow the instructions above, but ignore the email when it comes in and send a cheque, with your name and address, to the address below.


Bookings have commenced: Online application is preferable and is available at the CMA Gathering Registration page. You may also register by mail by printing the form from the menu above. For futher information contact Annie Le Roy-Lewis at CMA Treasurer.

Postal bookings: Please print and complete the Ticket Application form and send it, with a cheque payable to Clan Macpherson Association, to the CMA Treaurer at the address on the form. We look forward to seeing you in Scotland for the 2025 Gathering!

Cancellations: To secure a full refund, you must cancel your booking before the 1st of July, 2025. Any cancellations after that date will have the following cancelation charges:

After the 15th of July, 2025, the Dinner numbers will be finalised, and no refunds will be given. Those booking after this date may not get the menu they request.

Programme: The programme is subject to change. The final Programme will be provided to you at registration. We look forward to seeing you in Scotland for the 2025 Gathering!


Tickets will be available for collection at registration. A table plan will be drawn up for the Friday Dinner and Ball. Please note, where asked, any people with whom you would like to sit. It cannot be guaranteed, but we will do our best. Your party, i.e. the people named on your booking form, will be seated together unless you request otherwise. If you have any young people (early teens to 20-ish and approximately 20-30) who may prefer to sit with similarly aged people, please indicate.