The Clan Macpherson
Scotland and Northern Ireland Branch of the
Clan Macpherson Association
Welcome to the pages of the Scotland and Northern Ireland Branch of the Clan Macpherson Association. All Association members resident in Scotland or Northern Ireland are automatically members of the Scotland and Northern Ireland Branch. As a Branch we aim to have at least three social functions a year, more if possible. To find out what events are coming up in the near future, see our Events page. If you have never been to a Branch event before, don't be shy: we will make a point of looking out for you, and will make you most welcome. You may also like to join our S&NI Branch Facebook page to keep in touch with news and events and other branch members.
Useful Addresses (Scotland and Northern Ireland Branch)
Branch Chairman
Mr Moray Cattanach
Telephone/Mobile: 01368 862526/07810 860528
Branch Hon. Secretary
Mrs Joyce Cattanach
Telephone/Mobile: 01368 862526/07787 185265
Branch Hon. Treasurer
Mr Chris Gillies
Telephone: 01905 821581