The Clan Macpherson

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Association Membership

New Member Application

People living in Scotland or Northern Ireland must join through the Association Registrar ( ). Applications may be made either via the post with payment by cheque, or via the on-line facility using a Bank Transfer of funds or a Credit Card.

For on-line payment, follow this link to the on-line application form. For a postal application, fill in the membership application form that can be downloaded from here and post to the Registrar, whose address is on the form.


The application is in PDF format in order to make it available for downloading by Apple, PC and Android users. If you do not have Acrobat Reader on your system it is available for download from the Adobe link on this page.

Membership renewal

After joining, Annual members must renew their membership each subsequent year. For those members who pay by Bank Standing Order this will happen automatically. For others the Registrar will send out a reminder at the start of each membership (calendar) year together with a Bank Standing Order form. A Bank Standing Order is the most efficient way to keep your membership up-to-date as it means you don't have to remember and we don't have to remind you, and it also reduces our cost of administration. Alternatively you can send a cheque to the Registrar, or renew on-line using Credit Card payment. Follow this link to renew on-line.

Please Keep in Touch!

We occasionally receive information from other organisations that we think might be of interest to our members. Please email your Secretary to confirm if we may pass such information on to you.