The Clan Macpherson


The Urlar
The US Branch Magazine

The Urlar is the quarterly journal of the US Branch, published and available to every member. It is one of the finest produced by any clan in the world. The Urlar Archive, containing the current and many of the past issues is accessible by clicking on the picture on the left side of this page.

The current Editor is George McPherson, whose mailing address is: 500 Sunset Avenue, Umatilla, Florida 32784. You can also contact him by email at the following link:

Each Urlar is featuring you, the members! Each journal contains stories written by you and for you: a biographical sketch about one of the members entitled “Focusing on You,” a newsworthy letter from the current US Branch Chairman, your photos and stories from recent events such as a Burns Supper or a Highland Games event, a junior member section, an update on new memberships, stories from the Sennachie, and announcements regarding the next Clan Gatherings in the US and in Scotland. Genealogy, culture, history, myths . . . also found within the pages of the Urlar.

We’d like to hear from you! To share stories and photos about your Clan Macpherson experiences, send them to George!

Open up your recent Urlar for a closer look, or click on the links below for a sampling of what’s in the journal!

History of the Urlar

Focusing on You

The Fettle

Sennachie's Corner

Urlar Archive