The Clan Macpherson
Canadian Branch
of the Clan Macpherson Association
Denise Lagundzin FSAScot
Chairman, Canada Branch
Greetings and welcome to the Canadian branch of the CMA (Clan Macpherson Association) website. The Council are currently working on several events for 2025 which we hope you will have fun attending.
Are you visiting us for the first time? Why not take a few minutes to learn about the several different types of membership offered in the Clan Association? We are all members of Clan Macpherson through our connection to our family name or in my case my grandmother's family name. It does not matter how you spell MacPherson, Macpherson, or McPherson—you are welcome.
Here you will find information about our branch history, upcoming events, and contact information for the great group of hardworking people who plan and organize upcoming events. There are positions open on the Council, if you would like to join in the fun—we would love to talk to you.
What better way to start off 2025 than with a Robert Burns Dinner?! This year we shall be enjoying dinner at The Idlewyld Inn & Spa in London Ontario. Thank you to Chris and Gina Cain for organizing this event. As of today, January 4, 2025, there still are some seats available. Please contact Chris Cain or me for more information. Check the Green Banner or Bratach Uaine (for those of you with Scottish Gaelic) for pictures of the amazing time that we are going to have.
Speaking of the Green Banner, Mike and I have had health issues, and I wasn't able to get the Fall Issue out. There are so many photos and stories of the great events that happened this summer from the Highland Games in Canada, first Birthdays to the annual Scottish Gathering and AGM in Newtonmore to include in the Winter Issue. If you don't see your favourites, keep watching the following issues.
The dates of some of the Highland Games across Canada have been posted. I encourage you to attend one and celebrate your Scottish Heritage. Whether enjoying the music, food, dancing or a wee dram Highland Games bring us together and celebrate all that is Scottish. Highland Games have always been a terrific way to reconnect with our members. A Clan tent is set up by volunteers at several Highland Games across Canada. We do not attend all Highland Games but encourage you to check out one near you and experience a wee piece of Scotland.
Another BIG event happening this year is the Joint Gathering with our American cousins. This happens once every five years. We are looking at venues in Niagara Falls, Canada and hope to have the final details shortly.
Joining the Association is easily done through electronic applications and direct deposit or by mailing your application form and cheque. If you have any questions, we are a friendly bunch and always available to help.
Once a year, the Clan Macpherson Association publishes the Creag Dhubh directly from the shores of Bonnie Scotland. Last year we tried something new and used a Flipbook format instead of mailing out copies to everyone. Although many trees were saved by using this format, and money was saved, many members were not able to access it.
Before the next issue of Creag Dhubh is sent out via Adobe every member will receive either an email or a telephone call asking whether you would prefer a hard copy or the PDF download version. Please keep this in mind if you change your mailing or email address and update your contact information with the branch registrar. Only one hard copy per household will be distributed.
Are you a member of Facebook? Check out our page— Clan Macpherson Association—connect with other members of the clan across the world. You will need to be a member of the Clan Association and provide your membership number when you join. And you may enjoy another Facebook page: Macpherson and Associated Families in Canada.
Another great way to meet your cousins is attending the CMA Gathering in Badenoch, Scotland. Save the first weekend of August and check out the CMA Gathering. I have attended twice and had a wonderful time! The sense of pride you experience when marching into the Newtonmore Highland Games in the shadow of Creagh Dhubh is unforgettable.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at
Warm wishes,
Updated January 5, 2025