The Clan Macpherson

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Canada Branch

News From The Canadian Branch

Updated May 25, 2024

Summer 2024 Green Banner posted

Have a look at the latest (Summer 2024) edition of The Green Banner, or all back numbers. In this edition you will find accounts of our Robbie Burns gathering in January, our memorial gathering for Gordon Macpherson in April, and other timely news.

Spring 2024 Green Banner posted

Have a look at the latest (Spring 2024) edition of The Green Banner, or all back numbers. In this edition you will find profiles of new members Vance McPherson and Robert Kirk, a listing of upcoming Branch events, a notice of the passing of Audrey Macpherson Collins, and other timely news.

Canadian Branch attendance at Highland Games announced

The Canadian Branch has registered for the following Highland Games in Ontario and Alberta.
Tickets can often purchased in advance for a discounted price (no refunds); check games' websites for details and schedules.

November 2023 Green Banner posted

Have a look at the latest (November 2023) edition of The Green Banner, or all back numbers. In this edition you will find greetings from Cluny and Association Chairman Bonnie, an article by Michael Theilmann on Dr. Duncan Macpherson, his great-great-grandfather, and other timely news.

January 2024 Branch Gathering

Our 2024 Branch Gathering, was held on January 27-28th in the form of a Burns Dinner. The venue was the Crieff Hills Retreat near Puslinch, Ontario. Our AGM will be held separately in the fall. Please see the Branch Gathering tab for details and registration info.

September 2023 Green Banner posted

Have a look at the latest (September 2023) edition of The Green Banner, or all back numbers. In this edition you will find accounts of our June Gathering in Cobourg, ON, details of members' trips to the CMA Gathering in Scotland, and also obituaries for the late Honorary Chairman Gordon Macpherson (Burlington) and for Rev. James Macpherson Small, of Falmouth, NS.

Branch Annual General Meeting - October 28, 2023

Our 2023 Branch AGM was held online on Saturday October 28th. Zoom details were emailed to all members on October 4th in the latest Green Banner (September 2023). We were delighted to have CMA Chairman, Bonnie Macpherson, join us for the meeting.

Flowers of the Forest - R. Gordon Macpherson

We were sad to learn of the passing on September 1st of our esteemed Honorary Chairman, R. Gordon Macpherson, CM, KStJ, FRHSC, FRSA, and FSA (Scot). Gordon's obituary may be found online at this link.

Annual Branch Gathering - June 17, 2023 - Cobourg, ON

Our 2023 Branch Gathering was held on June 17th in conjunction with the Cobourg Highland Games in Cobourg, ON.

February 2023 Green Banner posted

Have a look at the February 2023 edition of The Green Banner, or all back numbers. In this edition you will find accounts of our Burns Night Dinner and also obituaries for the late Robert Archibald (Brantford) and former Branch Chairman, LCol. Mark F Macpherson.

Burns Night Dinner - January 21/22, 2023

Branch members gathered January 21-22 for a very enjoyable Burns Night Dinner and overnight stay at the Crieff Hills Retreat, Puslinch, Ontario.

New Green Banner posted

Have a look at the latest (November 2022) edition of The Green Banner, or all back numbers.

2022 Branch Gathering and Annual General Meeting

The 2022 Branch Gathering, Sept 30-Oct 2, was held at Crieff Hills Retreat, Puslinch, Ontario. The Annual General Meeting on the morning of Oct 1 was held in a hybrid in-person/Zoom format.

Green Banner

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Most current branch news is found in the link to the Green Banner below. This newsletter is in PDF format which is read using the current version of Adobe Reader. This program is available from the internet at

The Green Banner is published several times each year, and we accept articles and stories from all members of CMA world-wide.