The Clan Macpherson
Joining the Clan Macpherson Association
An invitation from our Chief
From Newton Castle
Dear Fellow Clansman,
As Chief of Clan Macpherson and as Honorary President of the Clan Macpherson Association I am delighted to extend to you a most cordial invitation to be a Member of our Association.
This may be the first time that we have been able to invite you to join our ranks, but whether this is so or not we do hope that you will be interested in joining your fellow Clansmen and Clanswomen from all parts of the world who foster and encourage our Highland traditions through their Membership of our Association.
All those who bear the name Macpherson and those who proudly bear the names of the Septs or associated families of our Clan are eligible and welcome. We hope that you may shortly be one of those who take an active part in maintaining and strengthening our Clan heritage, and that you will enjoy with all of us the history and experiences of our extended family.
Membership may also be available to those who have no direct connection with the Clan, but who wish to support our Association and its Museum at Newtonmore.
Yours sincerely,
James Macpherson of Cluny, 28th Chief
Application for membership is applied for through local Branches or direct to the central Clan Macpherson Association. All members of a Branch are first and foremost members of the worldwide organisation. The membership fee is decided by the membership at the Annual General Meeting each year. Some Branches add an overhead charge to pay for local administration and support. Membership application details for each Branch, information on forthcoming events, details of officers and contact information may be found by clicking on your local Branch image below. If there is no local Branch for your location, you can use the "All Other Locations" link which will enable you to join and get support from the central CMA, or select a Branch of your choice.
There are 5 different membership grades, detailed below. The Membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December.
Junior Membership
Junior membership is open to any child of an adult member from birth until their 18th birthday for a one time fee. A Junior member cannot vote at Association meetings and does not receive the CMA annual magazine 'Creag Dhubh'.
Young Adult Membership
Young Adult membership is open to any person who is entitled to be a member of the clan and is between the ages of 18 and 25 for an annual fee equal to half the adult annual fee. A Young Adult member will be sent a link to an electronic copy of the CMA annual magazine 'Creag Dhubh'.
Annual Membership
Annual membership is open to any person who is entitled to be a member of the clan and is 18 years and over for an annual fee. An Annual member receives the CMA annual magazine 'Creag Dhubh'.
Term Membership
Term membership is open to any person who is entitled to be a member of the clan and is 18 years and over for a fee that covers 10 year membership. A Term member receives the CMA annual magazine 'Creag Dhubh' for each year in which their membership is valid.
Life Membership
Life membership is open to any person who is entitled to be a member of the clan and is 18 years and over for a one-time fee that provides membership for life. The Life membership is non-transferable. A Life member receives the CMA annual magazine 'Creag Dhubh' every year.
National Branches