The Clan Macpherson

Home Video Tour

The Macpherson Electronic Museum

West Hall

1. On the table of panels below the room photo, click on the Panel# you would like to visit. A photo of the panel along with a short description of the artefact will appear in a new window. Click on the title for an enlargement of the artefact and a fuller description.

2. Any panel may display more than one artefact. Click on an item of interest and it will open in a new window. When you finish looking at that item, close the window to return to the panel window.

3. If you would like to look at all of the items on a panel, click on the first linked item and it will open in a new window. Then instead of returning to the original panel, click one of the arrow-like links at the bottom of the page to move forward or backward through the remaining items. When you are finished, close the window to return to the original panel window.

4. When you are finished looking at all of the items on a panel, close the panel window to return to this page.

The West Hall introduces our tartans and notable events in Macpherson history. Panels #27-#38L (plus #42, #43, #44, #45) give you a good look at the Epergne, Victoriana galore, historic swords and other weapons of war. To see any panel, click on the link in the table below.

Panel 27 - Young Chief's First Ride & Old Cluny's Sword
Panel 28 - Golden Wedding Epergne
Panel 29 - Royal Visit to Badenoch 1847
Panel 30 - Old Cluny and his Young Family
Panel 31 - Ewen Macpherson of Cluny/ 20th Chief
Panel 32 - Donald Macpherson of Gaskmore &: Clan Chattan Gathering 1895
Panel 33 - Old Cluny's Sons & Golden Wedding Testimonial
Panel 34 - John Brown's Plaid
Panel 35 - Queen Victoria and her Children
Panel 36 - Victoriana Galore
Panel 37L - Highland Dress/Tartans
Panel 37R - Two Men of Cluny
Panel 38L - Tartan Proscription Poster
Panel 42 - Historic Swords
Panel 43 - Blade Weaponry Galore
Panel 44 - Relics of Old Cluny's Sons
Panel 45 - Cluny Castle Collection
